New York Loves Me (N.Y. Heart ME)

New York Hearts Me

I was pretty excited to see a couple of days ago that there was a new referrer in my Flickr statistics to the image ‘N.Y. Heart Me’. It was coming from a website with a classic 2000s name ‘Shutl’. They’re a website that promises to deliver your online order to you in minutes. That’s a pretty sweet idea!

Well just looking at the site, I thought, ‘eh, so they’re a new website… not proven, not that great with no detail.’ Turns out they’ve been pretty successful in the UK already and have their sights set on the US.

This is another reason I love Creative Commons licenses. I put up a photo on Flickr, give it a license of ‘Attribution’ and someone comes along and thinks my picture is good enough to use. Sure they have to wade through a pile of porn and badly taken images (probably some are mine… the badly taken images not the porn) to get to it but hey – it works!

I thought the idea ‘New York Loves Me’ was pretty neat. I had been around Paris with my wife, taking more photos of graffiti than the sights (as I’m known to do a little too much) and this little one was on the ground near our hotel. A quick couple of snaps to get the right angle and sweet – four years later it appears on a website. What’s not to like about that?

The image is now my most viewed image in a small list of images that have over 1,000 views.

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