There’s two truths as a consumer looking for real estate in Australia: With all of this it feels like there are hardly any tools to help make well thought through decisions. Until recently I did what everyone else was doing. I just thought I’d have to pay for help, or be at the whim ofContinue reading “Data Driven Decisions: How I use NSW Government Housing Data”
Author Archives: Andrew Beeston
Increase Email Engagement Through Binary Choices
“Learning to choose is hard. Learning to choose well is harder. And learning to choose well in a world of unlimited possibilities is harder still, perhaps too hard.” Barry Schwartz, The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less TLDR; I increased my unique click throughs by up to 60% (and 11% in long term) when IContinue reading “Increase Email Engagement Through Binary Choices”
Why New Things at Work Often Don’t Stick
“Giving them technology is like giving a machine gun to a baby” David H. Maister In a speech, “The Problem of Standards” Maister shows incisively how discipline & technology are not enough to ensure successful outcomes of strategy in a business. To get success it must be an unavoidable part of work – through accountability.Continue reading “Why New Things at Work Often Don’t Stick”
Photo: Rodd Point, Sydney
The Value of Community at Work
“There is no business excellence without community excellence.” (Tom Peters) Maybe it’s not visibly “productive” but it’s necessary work – spending time to catch up with colleagues. Thanks Brenda Van, Meiko Tajima, Lynda Leiva, Alexandra Jarratt for making a better work community.
How to Find The Value of Automating Work
“If you have to do it more than once, it’s worth automating” is often a phrase that’s spoken – but I find not really taken to heart in workplaces. There’s any number of reasons that automation isn’t executed (and I think as a result innovation) in workplaces: The way to find the value of anContinue reading “How to Find The Value of Automating Work”
Photo: Sydney Harbour Bridge
I love travelling in to Sydney harbour via ferry on Parramatta River. The feeling on the calm water feels like as close as you’ll get to flying low above the water.
Volunteer work: Hour of Code
A recent Saturday saw a few dads and I run an Hour of Code at our local primary school. Hour of Code is basically what it sounds like – helping students in years k – 6 understand coding fundamentals for an hour using engaging and novel online activities. We had a load of fun, withContinue reading “Volunteer work: Hour of Code”
Fun with micro-brands: Liquid Metal
This year – my family and I started being a bit more focussed in ‘joint time’ around a little thing we’d been doing inadvertently for a few years – collecting coins. So much so we’d go to the bank to get change, and rumble through it to look for interesting or rare coins. One timeContinue reading “Fun with micro-brands: Liquid Metal”
Do this to achieve 20% better digital marketing results
Now here’s a claim. “Gartner found CMOs utilising 70% of their martech stack’s capabilities were achieving 20% better marketing return on investment than their peers.” To be fair, I can see there’s a correlation but it’s not a causal relationship I don’t think. A couple of things that strike me on this.